
SlideSpeak screenshot
Free Version

updated at: November 2023

SlideSpeak - Summarize PowerPoint, Word, PDF with AI

SlideSpeak is a ChatGPT powered Chatbot that allows you to summarize documents, ask questions and much more. Simply upload your files and you can use the chat to ask anything. Our AI is super quick and you don''t have to connect any OpenAI API key.

Application owner? Visit here

Additional Information


SlideSpeak's Pricing Plans

SlideSpeak may change prices at any time. Here's our latest information:

AI tools for PowerPoint, Word and PDF.

Free Plan

Best to start with.



  • Upload 1 File
  • Ask unlimited questions
  • Powered by ChatGPT 3.5
  • 50 MB File Size Limit
  • Limited Reply Length


For more advanced users.



  • Up to 50 Files
  • Ask unlimited questions
  • Powered by ChatGPT 4
  • No File Size Limit
  • Longer Reply Length

Premium Plus

Unlimited files for power users.



  • Unlimited Files
  • Ask unlimited questions
  • Powered by ChatGPT 4
  • No File Size Limit
  • Longer Reply Length

Alternatives AI applications for SlideSpeak