
Bongocat screenshot

updated at: November 2023

Bongocat is an AI-integrated content management system, a blog that can write itself

Creating your Bongocat site is an easy no-code process. With a few clicks and a little setup, your new blog site is live and ready to start creating high-quality AI-generated content that you can review, edit and publish in minutes.

Application owner? Visit here

Additional Information


Bongocat's Pricing Plans

Bongocat may change prices at any time. Here's our latest information:

Straight-Up Pricing, No Funny Business


An integrated solution that works out of the box.



  • 50 AI generated posts /month
  • Early access to new features
  • Priority support
  • Official Bongocat t-shirt


For users that want or need more


  • Self hosted
  • Lifetime updates
  • No limitations
  • Bring your own keys

Alternatives AI applications for Bongocat